[Kinderfest. Basler Fasnacht. Zoo]
Genre: Amateur film
Année: 1926
Description: The film shows scenes at a fair with the people that participated, most likely including a so called human zoo or ethnoligical exhibition. The next event is a procession of kids, dressed up as marching band, flowers and others. Then we swap to the carneval procession, with the different music groups called Guggenmusik. Afterwards the camera films a man talking and explaining things and a woman walking down the street, people at a swimming pool at what looks like a brand new bath. And finally the film moves to the famous zoo in Basel, featuring monkeys, zebras, bears, birds, buffaloes and many other types of animals.
Fournisseur: Lichtspiel - Kinemathek Bern
Droits: In Copyright
Société de production: Goha Film
Couleur: Black & White
Sound: ohne Tonspur
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